
Pest Control Tips for Apartment Tenants

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    Apartments have become more and more popular in significant Australian cities.

    The ABS reports that 5,901 more units were constructed in the fourth quarter of 2016 compared to the third quarter. Tenants must be aware of and actively participate in their own pest-control obligations because there are no indicators that this "apartment boom" will slow down any time soon.

    The difference between apartment pests and household pests:

    There is little distinction between apartment pests and home pests, despite the structural differences between the two types of housing. Unfortunately, because they are drawn to food sources primarily, ants, rats, cockroaches, and spiders can be found in all types of residential premises.

    Is pest control the responsibility of the tenant or landlord?

    Is it your job to arrange for pest control treatments or is that the landlord's responsibility? The inside area (your unit) of your apartment building is the tenant's obligation, whereas the external portions (courtyard, hallway, foyer, etc.) are solely the landlord's responsibility.

    However, each state and territory may have a different responsibility depending on the kind of pest located in or around your property. For instance, if a pest appears months after moving in, the tenant is responsible for pest control, according to NSW Fair Trading.

    Ants, bees, wasps, cockroaches, fleas, spiders, mice/rats, and snakes will all fall under this category. Your landlord is required to arrange the necessary pest control procedures if you can show you weren't the source of the pest invasion.

    The landlord is entirely responsible for the removal and treatment of termites, birds, and possums. Visit the NSW Fair Trading Pests and vermin page for further details.

    What can you do, then, to prevent bugs from entering your apartment?

    Pest Control Tips for Apartments:

    1. Kitchen cleanliness – we recommend:

    • Avoiding overnight dishwashing in the sink
    • Cleaning the kitchen's appliances, sweeping the floor, and wiping off the counters (e.g. inside the toaster, oven, microwave etc.)
    • Keeping the area under the refrigerator in mind, mop at least once every week.
    • Periodically cleaning the pantry and inside of cabinets

    2. Rubbish and clutter – we recommend:

    • Removing the garbage each night
    • Removing cardboard boxes and other unused loose papers from the environment
    • Remove any outdated or useless stuff, such as old clothing or papers, and store what has to be kept in airtight containers.

    3. Moisture zones – we recommend checking for:

    • leaky taps and faucets
    • chilly pipes

    4. Verify that all fly screens are installed. Consider installing fly screens in the window and door frames if they aren't already there in your flat.

    Finally, make sure your landlord is contributing to the building's cleanliness. Make sure the bin room is cleaned frequently and that the trash is disposed of once a week. Additionally, ask that the building's external thick vegetation be pruned back (limits access for rodents and ants).

    Pest Control Tips for Apartment Renters 

    According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, apartment projects are constantly flourishing and will grow in the upcoming years (ABS). According to recent data, there were 5,901 more newly constructed apartment units in December 2016 than there were residential dwellings (28,102).

    Pest control measures are becoming increasingly necessary, particularly in Melbourne, as apartment living becomes more in demand.

    Make Pest Inspection a Priority

    Whether you reside in a large or tiny apartment, neither will matter to bed bugs or cockroaches. Regardless of the structural integrity of what you consider to be your home, pests like ants, spiders, termites, and rats may arise.

    When it comes to getting rid of bugs around the house, both landowners and tenants experience the same issue. They perform a comprehensive check to make sure they are secure and have a comfortable environment to live in. However, landlords' responsibility for inspection and pest control treatment is a common grey area for tenants.

    Who’s responsible for pest control procedures?

    NSW tenants are responsible for some pests that appear during their tenancy. Pests like cockroaches can arise due to poor cleaning. Additionally, if you keep pets on the premises, it's possible that fleas will settle in your flat.

    The source of food is another trigger. For instance, cereals, nuts, and any other types that they may find edible are attractive to mice. This explains why frequent rental cleaning is necessary to either ward them off or stop the infestation.

    However, landlords are responsible for the work if the infestation begins before you move into your property. If pests are present before the tenancy period, their obligation becomes evident.

    It is safe to take into account your lease agreement in terms of pest treatment processes and your local council's requirements before hiring a professional agency to help protect your health and cash. The NSW Fair Trading guide should also be studied in order to understand the rules that the State of New South Wales follows.

    What You Can Do

    If you keep the rental property in good condition, you can simplify your life regardless of whether you're new to the property or intend to move to a nicer place. Here are some bug prevention and control recommendations to consider:

    1. Keep moisture at bay.

    Most pests prefer moist environments. Wet regions are very attractive to pests including mosquitoes, cockroaches, and silverfish. Additionally, warm, moist regions are attractive to termites. According to study, these pests are infesting one in three homes in NSW.

    One of the first things to check is your plumbing system before getting upset over getting rid of them. Are there obvious symptoms of water leaks and pipe leaks? To minimise the existence of these pests, be sure to make prompt repairs to these areas. In order to keep the air quality surrounding the home good, it's a good idea to check the ventilation and insulation levels.

    2. Clean and declutter.

    Papers that have been stored and cardboard boxes are delicious to silverfish. Playing with dust from the trash and infrequently disturbing locations is cockroaches.

    One strategy to prevent these pests from infecting the property is to thoroughly clean your temporary residence, especially during Spring.

    It would not be a good idea to throw away some of your old, priceless goods, but it would be advisable to do so if they helped certain bugs gain access to your belongings. This also applies to items that aren't being used.

    Maintain self-control when it comes to how you dispose of your trash. If necessary and if the situation calls for it, hire a skip bin.

    3. Use sealed containers for food.

    Pests like cockroaches and rats might be attracted by food crumbs. The same can be said about unopened food sources.

    To reduce the possibility of having food in your rental property, it is recommended to store food in a container. As a general rule, be sure to frequently:

    • Clean the splashback and counter.
    • Take out trash from crevices.
    • After use, wash the dishes.
    • Mop and sweep the flooring.

    4. Seal gaps and crevices.

    Some bugs use cracks and crevices as a place to nest. Sometimes they serve as a point of entrance for vermin like snakes. To prevent their access and keep them outside the property, it's safe to plug these holes.

    If you want to know the extent of your responsibilities and limitations, you can ask your landlord if you are allowed to make any changes around the property.

    Pest Control Experts to the Rescue

    When you've taken all reasonable precautions and the infestation persists, it is safe to seek expert aid so that a full pest inspection can be conducted utilising cutting-edge pest detectors.

    They are quick to pinpoint the problem's root cause and find a quick solution. Don't forget to look into their credibility and pest control management experience. To gauge their level of experience, you can solicit opinions from other tenants and property owners.

    To prevent misunderstandings later, it is a good idea to acquire your landlord's approval as you plan. Additionally, it can assist in providing the unit with the proper care. You demonstrate that you cherish your rental home by being diligent in your pest-control responsibilities.

    Looking for a Melbourne-based expert in pest control? To handle the pests on the property, be sure to get in touch with your local service provider for an inspection of the unit.

    Which party is in charge of pest control: the landlord or the tenants?

    A handful of tenants have been successful in negotiating rent reductions, and they have been protected from the danger of eviction thanks to a variety of government moratoria designed to safeguard their rights in the event that they were badly affected by the economic effects of the health crisis.

    However, even if some of the phrases have changed, many others have not, such as the right of both tenants and landlords to live in a home that is free of pest infestations if the problem isn't their fault. This is one example of the many terms that have remained the same.

    It can be challenging for landlords and tenants to come to an agreement regarding who is responsible for pest management in the event of an outbreak because there is no law that clearly defines who is responsible for such management.

    If you are a renter, it is imperative that you notify your landlord of a serious pest problem as soon as possible and that you routinely maintain the condition of your house in order to lessen the chances of an epidemic occuring. Before you put your rental property up for sale, if you are the owner of the property and you are a landlord, you are responsible for ensuring that any and all pest problems have been remedied. This is true regardless of whether you manage the property yourself or hire a property manager.

    In the extremely uncommon event that an issue arises during the term of the lease, all parties involved are obligated to communicate in an honest, considerate, and expedient manner in order to prevent the situation from escalating out of control.

    Typical pests

    Depending on where you live, pests and vermin could potentially cause damage to your property.

    The following are some of the most common creepy crawlies:

    • cockroaches
    • ants
    • rats
    • mice
    • wasps
    • spiders
    • snakes
    • termites
    • possums.

    Is pest protection included in your leasing agreement?

    In the event that you are dealing with an infestation or an epidemic, the first place you should look should be in your rental agreement (lease).

    In certain situations, the lease will make it abundantly clear whose responsibility it is to take care of an insect or rodent infestation.

    This is typically the case, particularly in situations where there are dogs present, as the terms of the lease typically indicate that tenants are responsible for flea- and tick-proofing the premises.

    Before signing a lease, a tenant should do an investigation of the rental property and ensure that the agreement has language safeguarding them in the event that they suspect there is an issue.

    Tenant is accountable for unwelcome pests

    In general, it is your responsibility as a tenant to take precautions to avoid an infestation. This includes maintaining a clean environment and taking quick action if pests are present.

    It is advised that you use mouse traps, clean out cobwebs, use sprays and baits, and store food appropriately.

    However, get in touch with your landlord and property manager right once if the situation is terrible and you believe it existed before you moved in. If your landlord expects you to handle the situation, seek assistance from your state's tenant authority first.

    Before speaking with the owner, don't hire an exterminator because they can later refuse to pay for the service.

    Also keep in mind that if you are moving out, you must take the required precautions to get rid of all creepy crawlies.

    Tenants are generally responsible for the following pest scenarios:

    • Eradicating spiders, cockroaches, or ants while the tenant is there
    • If bees or wasps start to establish a nest after you move in, remove them.
    • If a snake is discovered in the house or backyard, how to handle it securely.

    The obligation of a landlord to maintain pest control


    It is your responsibility to safeguard both the property and the tenant if you are a property owner and are aware of recurring pest problems.

    The greatest defence is to have the rental property examined and any bugs removed before it is rented out. If a pest infestation does eventually happen, you will be less likely to be held accountable if you do this.

    Possums and termites, two less frequent pest problems, are typically the property owner's problem.

    If your tenant has pets, it's also important to think about include pest clauses in your lease agreement to guarantee fumigation at the conclusion of the lease.

    The following are typical pest instances for which landlords are liable:

    • when there are several bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, bees, wasps, or other vermin before a tenant gets in
    • when possums or birds are damaging the exterior of the home or building nests within the residence
    • no matter when the infestation starts, a landlord is responsible for termites.

    How to resolve a conflict over pests in your rental house

    The first step in finding a solution that works for everyone is negotiation, and during this time, action is frequently made to address the problem. Either party may seek to the relevant state tribunal for a ruling in severe circumstances when you are unable to reach an agreement.

    What to do if a disagreement arises:

    1. Make early contact with your landlord or property management

    Set up a time to talk with your property manager or landlord over the phone or meet with them in person to discuss the matter. If you do this, you will pave the way for a productive and cooperative working relationship.

    When you find yourself in a position where you need to offer specific times and dates of when things occurred, it can be important to save emails and take notes of any discussions that were said to you.

    2. Take pictures of the issue

    Take photographs of the problem with the pest control so that you can document it. When you use a smartphone for this purpose, you will also be able to keep a record of the dates and times that problems arise.

    3. If you require assistance, contact the appropriate government agencies

    If you require additional guidance, do not hesitate to get in touch with the tenancy tribunal in your state; they are an excellent resource, and their services are free of charge.

    In conclusion, it is the responsibility of the renters to maintain the property, and it is the responsibility of the landlord to inspect the rental unit for pests before renting it out.

    Pest control is a standard part of renting a property and should be taken care of immediately in order to stop other infestations from occuring. This is true regardless of who identifies the problem initially.

    5 Tips To Get Rid Of Apartment Bugs
    1. 1.) Wipe Down All Surfaces — Especially In The Kitchen. When bugs come inside, it's usually because they're looking for something to eat. ...
    2. 2.) Put Food Away. ...
    3. 3.) Don't Leave Damp Items Around. ...
    4. 4.) Seal Up All Cracks. ...
    5. 5.) Take Action.

    Tenants can be directly responsible for a pest infestation in a number of ways. ... In these cases it would be the responsibility of the tenants to seek a pest control solution. Similarly, if tenants have pets that develop fleas or mites, and these fleas spread to the property, the tenants are also responsible.

    It is usually possible to break the lease on an apartment that has problems with vermin. ... Maintaining your property well: If your cockroach problem is a pre-existing issue specific to the apartment or the apartment complex, then you should be able to break your lease.

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